In the news

Congratulations to assistant professors Emily Fyfe and Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces

on receiving the Association for Psychological Science Rising Star designation, which recognizes early career scientists for research that has advanced the field. Fyfe was recognized for her work on how children think and learn about math and how to use that information to design effective instructional techniques. Lorenzo-Luaces received the honor for his clinical research on the treatment and phenomenology of depression, its classification and differentiation from “normal” sadness, and on the outcomes and processes of change in depression treatments, especially cognitive-behavioral therapies.

PBS alumna Mary Czerwinski (Ph.D. ’88) received a Distinguished Alumni Award from the IU College of Arts and Sciences.

A former student of Richard Shiffrin, Czerwinski is currently a principal researcher and research manager of Microsoft’s Visualization and Interaction (VIBE) Research Group, where she focuses on emotion tracking, task management, and health and wellness for individuals and groups. In 2013 she received a Distinguished Alumni Award from PBS at its first Alumni Recognition Event in celebration of its 125th anniversary.

Professor Aina Puce

was featured in the Organization for Human Brain Mapping’s monthly blog, in a “Q&A with Multi-Modal Imager Aina Puce.”  Here readers can learn about her career path, scientific challenges and her thoughts on the future of neuroimaging. She was also one of four “keynote tweeters” at the March 8th Twitter Brain Conference, a conference entirely on Twitter at which she tweeted about different modes of social information processing.

Graduate student Heidi Williams and undergraduate William Jettinghoff,

both working in the lab of Professor Mary Murphy, were recently accepted to the competitive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Williams’ work examines how organizational mindsets shape the recruitment and retention of women in STEM-focused companies, such as tech companies and startups, to consider whether companies that endorse or exhibit more of a fixed (vs. growth) mindset might make negative stereotypes about women’s abilities in STEM more salient and how that might create a more threatening climate for women in those companies.

Jettinghoff completed an honors thesis with Professor Ed Hirt, in whose lab he also worked, and will begin graduate school in social psychology at the University of British Columbia in the fall. His thesis explored the relationship between self-handicapping behavior and the belief in free will. Graduate student Janelle Sherman, also working with Hirt, received honorable mention. Her research investigates social relationships, in particular the way people respond to acceptance and rejection from their partners. Fellows receive a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 and a $12,000 allowance for tuition and fees.